What built-in HTTP server library options should I look at?

I want to write a small proxy for kicks and giggles.

Besides the options in libWWW, can anyone recommend any open source options for the HTTP server and client code? Thinking about some kind of library like libWWW.

The language of choice is C / C ++, but open to Java, C #, Python ... etc. :-)


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3 answers

If you choose the Java way, take a look at Jetty . It is a fully functional HTTP server that is very easy to embed and quite lightweight.



The pier is really great. However, if you want a proxy, take a look at RabbIT Proxy. It is well designed and adapted to change, for example We have implemented a filter that serializes specific XML text in Java object requests and similarly deserialized responses.

There are a wide variety of options depending on what you want to do. For example, to handle NTLM authentication, you have cNTLM (C) or NTLMAPS (Python) or jCIFS (Java) libraries.



If you are planning to do your proxy in an asynchronous way in C / C ++. Here are some of the open source projects you can check out:

  • libevent provides one - a good choice for easy use. but recursion over big data is not provided.
  • mongoose is a good API, good abstraction, but uses select () and realloc () I / O buffer, also dual license for commercial use.
  • libevhtp - designed as a replacement for the libevent http module.
  • GNU libmicrohttpd is a nice feature set.
  • libasyncd - I'm the author. It has a common asynchronous structure and comes with an HTTP handler.

I can only make 2 links to my answer, but you can easily find the houses of the project by submitting them to google.



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