Trac "Operation error: trying to write a database problem" with visualsvn

I installed the latest VisualSVN (2.0.5) and its trac package on WindowsXP but ran into a problem. The trac system works, except for the "Timeline" tab. When I clicked on it I saw

Trac detected an internal error:
OperationalError: attempt to write a readonly database


Does anyone have any ideas why this isn't working? Everything was installed and configured with the help of their guide.


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2 answers

change the owner of the folder where the TRAC environment lives

this verifies the user who is starting the VisualSVN service and grants access to that user to the folder where the traffic is running

this fix my problem



As user163175 said you need to change the owner (or grant permission to the webserver user).

To do this in Windows (Server Standard) you need:

  • Go to your trac directory (where all your trac projects live, what you installed as PythonOption TracEnvParentDir

    ) in explorer
  • Right click and select Properties
  • Click the button Edit...

  • Click the button Add...

  • Enter "NETWORK SERVICE" to the input Enter the object names to select

  • Click the button Check Names

  • Click on OK

  • Click on the NETWORK SERVICE user / group
  • Disable "Full Control"
  • Click on Apply

This should do it (at least it worked for me).



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