Custom Firebird Installation
I want to deploy firebird installation and thus launch it from my installer using command line parameters. I have read the Inno Setup documentation but still cannot get it to work.
I just want to install "Superserver" without documentation or at all.
That's what I have so far
Firebird- /sp- /silent /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /nocancel /noicons /components="Super Server binary"
But it won't install the server. If I uninstall / components, it installs the server, but installs other developer stuff that doesn't need clients.
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read installation_scripted.txt file in C: \ Program Files \ Firebird \ Firebird_2_1 \ doc
/ COMPONENTS = "comma separated list of component names"
Select - ServerComponent \ SuperServerComponent, ServerComponent \ ClassicServerComponent, ServerComponent, DevAdminComponent and ClientComponent
Overrides default components Settings. Using this command line
parameter causes the installation to automatically select a custom type. complete installation requires combining components. For example:/ COMPONENTS = "ServerComponent \ SuperServerComponent, ServerComponent, DevAdminComponent, ClientComponent"
will be required for a complete install.
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I am using the following and it works fine, however I need to install to a custom directory and also change the server setting
string installerFilePath = @"C:\BennaOlivier\Randoms\Delter\Firebird\FirebirdMainInstaller\MainInstaller\MainInstaller\Firebird X64\FirebirdInstallX64\Firebird-2.5x64.exe";
Process installerProcess = new Process();
installerProcess = Process.Start(installerFilePath, Arguments);
while (installerProcess.HasExited == false)
//indicate progress to user
catch (Exception FBX64)
}public const string comps = @"ServerComponent\ClassicServerComponent,ServerComponent,ClientComponent";
public const string Arguments = "/VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES";
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The arguments I am passing are as follows, however they are not installed to the specified directory and also restart after installing Firebird.
"/ VERYSILENT / SUPPRESSMSGBOXES / DIR @c: \ program files \ firebird \ / NORESTART ServerComponent \ ClassicServerComponent, ServerComponent, ClientComponent"
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