I want the simplest ajax form application

I want an ajax app to process a simple form with a textinput and submit button and no validation, I want to add this using a PHP script. I am asking this because I do not know how to program with ajax or javascript.


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6 answers

Honestly, you're not going anywhere without learning javascript. You should really learn it, it's not the same language complex. Ajax is not really a language, it is a function, a function, so to speak. Once you get the chance to use it, it's not hard either, and frameworks like JQuery and MooTools will make it much easier.

www.w3schools.com is a good place to learn javascript, don't worry if you keep looking at things while learning it, even the best of us should. And never be afraid to ask questions as you learn.

If you know php, javascript will be relatively easy to pick up. One thing to keep in mind when using AJAX is that you are killing users so they hit the back button or bookmarks of the page because the usage was not accepted on the new page.



I would highly recommend using jQuery - there are good tutorials (some of them videos) available in jQuery for designers .



Before you dive into jQuery (which I recommend), it might help you get started with a really simple tutorial to understand what's going on.

Ajax beginner's guide might help.



You should be using a javascript library like jQuery or prototype . You will also find some tutorials there. If you want to do this yourself, read XMLHttpRequest .



You can use the ajaxSubmit plugin for jQuery.

After including jquery and plugin in html you just add

$(document).ready(function () {


Where "result" is the id of the div you want the results to go to.



I know this is not technically related, but I would like to quickly talk about AJAX buttons and custom buttons - there is a plugin for jQuery that sorts this. If you are using monolithic YUI, it also has a history manager.



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