Regular expression to split delimited data enclosed in double curly braces

I am trying to match a string like this:



with regex

I am using preg_match




but i get something like this whenever i use more than two arguments

    [0] => {{name|arg1|arg2|arg3|arg4}}
    [1] => name
    [2] => arg1
    [3] => arg2|arg3|arg4


The first two elements cannot contain spaces, the rest can. Maybe I've been working on this for too long, but I can't seem to find the error - any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks Jan


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5 answers

Don't use regular expressions for these simple tasks. What do you really need:

$inner = substr($string, 2, -2);
$parts = explode('|', $inner);

# And if you want to make sure the string has opening/closing braces:
$length = strlen($string);
assert($inner[0] === '{');
assert($inner[1] === '{');
assert($inner[$length - 1] === '}');
assert($inner[$length - 2] === '}');




The problem is here: \ | (. +)

Regular expressions, by default, match as many characters as possible. Insofar as. any character, other instances | happy too, and that's not what you would like.

To prevent this, you must exclude | from an expression that says "match anything other than |", the result is \ | ([^ \ |] +).



Should work anywhere from 1 to N arguments


$pattern = "/^\{\{([a-z]+)(?:\}\}$|(?:\|([a-z]+))(?:\|([a-z ]+))*\}\}$)/i";

$tests = array(
    "{{name}}"                          // should pass
  , "{{name|argOne}}"                   // should pass
  , "{{name|argOne|arg Two}}"           // should pass
  , "{{name|argOne|arg Two|arg Three}}" // should pass
  , "{{na me}}"                         // should fail
  , "{{name|arg One}}"                  // should fail
  , "{{name|arg One|arg Two}}"          // should fail
  , "{{name|argOne|arg Two|arg3}}"      // should fail

foreach ( $tests as $test )
  if ( preg_match( $pattern, $test, $matches ) )
    echo $test, ': Matched!<pre>', print_r( $matches, 1 ), '</pre>';
  } else {
    echo $test, ': Did not match =(<br>';




Of course you end up with something like this :) There is no way in a regex to return a dynamic number of matches - in your case - the arguments.

Looking at what you want to do, you have to keep up with the current regex and just blow up additional arguments to '|' and add them to the args array.



indeed, this is from the PCRE manual:

When the capture subpattern is repeated, the value that is the substring that matched the final iteration. For example, after (tweedle [dume] {3} \ s *) + matches "tweedledum tweedledee" the value of the captured substring of "Tweedledee". However, if there are nested sub-matrices, the corresponding captured values ​​may have been set in previous iterations. For example, after / (a ​​| (b)) + / matches "aba" the value of the second captured Substring is "b".



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