Can I simplify / optimize this JQuery code?

I wrote a code that will check two dates: they are split into two days (# enddate-1-dd, # date-1-dd), two months of input (# enddate-1-mm, # date-1-mm) and biennial entries (# enddate-1, # date-1)

I wanted to check first that they are all actually numbers, but then I wanted to check each one to make sure it is in the date format, at the moment it is like this:

function validate_form () {

retVal = true; // if the statements below fail, return true

if(retVal == true) {
    // check whether the available hours they've entered are a valid time!
    $(":text").each(function() {
        $this = $(this); // cache the object
        if (isNaN($this.val())) {
            $.jGrowl('Please enter a valid date!', { theme: 'smoke' });
            retVal = false; return false;

if(retVal == true) {
    $("#date-1-dd").each(function() {
        $this = $(this); // cache the object
        if ($this.val() > 31) {
            $.jGrowl('Please enter a valid day, should be no more than 31!', { theme: 'smoke' });
            retVal = false; return false;

if(retVal == true) {
    $("#enddate-1-dd").each(function() {
        $this = $(this); // cache the object
        if ($this.val() > 31) {
            $.jGrowl('Please enter a valid day, should be no more than 31!', { theme: 'smoke' });
            retVal = false; return false;

if(retVal == true) {
    $("#date-1-mm").each(function() {
        $this = $(this); // cache the object
        if ($this.val() > 12) {
            $.jGrowl('Please enter a valid month, should be no more than 12!', { theme: 'smoke' });
            retVal = false; return false;

if(retVal == true) {
    $("#enddate-1-mm").each(function() {
        $this = $(this); // cache the object
        if ($this.val() > 12) {
            $.jGrowl('Please enter a valid month, should be no more than 12!', { theme: 'smoke' });
            retVal = false; return false;

if(retVal == true) {
    $("#date-1").each(function() {
        $this = $(this); // cache the object
        if ($this.val() < 1900 || $this.val() > 3000) {
            $.jGrowl('Please enter a valid year!', { theme: 'smoke' });
            retVal = false; return false;

if(retVal == true) {
    $("#enddate-1").each(function() {
        $this = $(this); // cache the object
        if ($this.val() < 1900 || $this.val() > 3000) {
            $.jGrowl('Please enter a valid year!', { theme: 'smoke' });
            retVal = false; return false;

return retVal; // return either true or false, depending on what happened up there! ^



Sorry if I feel like I'm asking a stupid question, since my code is working fine, I just think it's a garbage way to do it with a lot of repetition, but I can't think of any way to do it more efficiently?



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3 answers

function validate_form_checks() {
    var error;
    // check whether the available hours they've entered are a valid time!
    $(':text').each(function() {
        if(isNaN($(this).val())) {
            error = 'Please enter a valid date!';
            return false;
        return error;
    $('#date-1-dd, #enddate-1-dd').each(function() {
        if($(this).val() > 31) {
            error = 'Please enter a valid day, should be no more than 31!';
            return false;
        return error;
    $('#date-1-mm, #enddate-1-mm').each(function() {
        if($(this).val() > 12) {
            error = 'Please enter a valid month, should be no more than 12!';
            return false;
        return error;
    $('#date-1, #enddate-1').each(function() {
        if($(this).val() < 1900 || $(this).val() > 3000) {
            error = 'Please enter a valid year!';
            return false;
        return error;
    return true;

function validate_form() {
    var result = validate_form_checks();
    if(result === true) {
        return true;
    } else {
        $.jGrowl(result, { theme: 'smoke' });
        return false;


Of course, validation that provides feedback on all errors in the form, not just the first, is prominent, better.



At first glance, you can create a function from these identical sections and simply call it as needed. You shouldn't repeat .

Here is a blog post on approving dates that can be enlightening. And here is a SO answer that gives the jQuery plugin answer for date validation.



Yes here:

function validate_form() {
return retVal = !0, retVal == 1 && $(":text")
    .each(function () {
    return $this = $(this), isNaN($this.val()) ? ($this.focus(), $.jGrowl("Please enter a valid date!", {
        theme: "smoke"
    }), retVal = !1, !1) : void 0
}), retVal == 1 && $("#date-1-dd")
    .each(function () {
    return $this = $(this), $this.val() > 31 ? ($this.focus(), $.jGrowl("Please enter a valid day, should be no more than 31!", {
        theme: "smoke"
    }), retVal = !1, !1) : void 0
}), retVal == 1 && $("#enddate-1-dd")
    .each(function () {
    return $this = $(this), $this.val() > 31 ? ($this.focus(), $.jGrowl("Please enter a valid day, should be no more than 31!", {
        theme: "smoke"
    }), retVal = !1, !1) : void 0
}), retVal == 1 && $("#date-1-mm")
    .each(function () {
    return $this = $(this), $this.val() > 12 ? ($this.focus(), $.jGrowl("Please enter a valid month, should be no more than 12!", {
        theme: "smoke"
    }), retVal = !1, !1) : void 0
}), retVal == 1 && $("#enddate-1-mm")
    .each(function () {
    return $this = $(this), $this.val() > 12 ? ($this.focus(), $.jGrowl("Please enter a valid month, should be no more than 12!", {
        theme: "smoke"
    }), retVal = !1, !1) : void 0
}), retVal == 1 && $("#date-1")
    .each(function () {
    return $this = $(this), 1900 > $this.val() || $this.val() > 3e3 ? ($this.focus(), $.jGrowl("Please enter a valid year!", {
        theme: "smoke"
    }), retVal = !1, !1) : void 0
}), retVal == 1 && $("#enddate-1")
    .each(function () {
    return $this = $(this), 1900 > $this.val() || $this.val() > 3e3 ? ($this.focus(), $.jGrowl("Please enter a valid year!", {
        theme: "smoke"
    }), retVal = !1, !1) : void 0
}), retVal




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