Get IP address of remote client without DNS record in VB.Net

I have a Windows Forms Application running on a Terminal Server. I need to determine the IP addresses of each client machine.

I found a way to get the IP address for computers with DNS records (example below), but some of my thin clients were configured with static IP addresses and don't have a DNS name. Is there a way to determine the IP address of a remote client without a DNS name?

Dim clientName As String = My.Computer.Network.ClientName 
Dim IPHost As Net.IPHostEntry = Net.Dns.Resolve(clientName & "") 
Dim addresses As Net.IPAddress() = IPHost.AddressList
fullIP = addresses(0).ToString()



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1 answer

To get the primary IP address, you can use:



This can return an IP6 address, in which case you can try to find IP4 using:

Dim ipentry As System.Net.IPHostEntry = System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry("")

For i As Integer = 0 To ipentry.AddressList.Count - 1




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