A few niceties of Perl

I've been programming in Perl for a while, but I've never understood a couple of subtleties about Perl:

Using and setting / unsetting the $ _ variable confuses me. For example why

# ...
shift @queue;
($item1, @rest) = split /,/;


work but (at least for me)

# ...
shift @queue;
/some_pattern.*/ or die();


doesn't seem to work?

Also, I don't understand the difference between iterating through a file using foreach

versus while

. For example, I seem to be getting different results for

    # Do something involving $_        



foreach (<SOME_FILE>){
    # Do something involving $_


Can anyone explain these subtle differences?


source to share

8 answers

shift @queue;
($item1, @rest) = split /,/;


If you read it correctly, you seem to think that this is offsetting the element from @queue

to $_

. This is not true.

The value shifted from @queue

just disappears. The next one split

works on what's in $_

(which is invocation independent shift


    # Do something involving $_        


Reading from a file descriptor in a statement while

is special: it is equivalent to

while ( defined( $_ = readline *SOME_FILE ) ) {


This way, you can process even colossal files one at a time.

On the other hand,

    # Do something involving $_        


will first load the entire file as a list of strings into memory. Try a 1GB file and see the difference.



Another, albeit subtle, difference between:

while (<FILE>) {



foreach (<FILE>) {


is that while () will change the value of $ _ outside of its scope, while foreach () does $ _ local. For example, the following will die:

$_ = "test";
while (<FILE1>) {
    print "$_";
die if $_ ne "test";


whereas this won't:

$_ = "test";
foreach (<FILE1>) {
    print "$_";
die if $_ ne "test";


This becomes more important with more complex scenarios. Imagine something like:

sub func1() {
    while (<$fh2>) {  # clobbers $_ set from <$fh1> below

while (<$fh1>) {


Personally, I cannot use $ _ for this reason, in addition to this, it is less readable, etc.



Regarding the second question:

while (<FILE>) {



foreach (<FILE>) {


Have the same functional behavior including installation $_

. The difference is that it while()

evaluates <FILE>

in a scalar context and foreach()

evaluates <FILE>

in a list context. Let's consider the difference between:

$x = <FILE>;



@x = <FILE>;


In the first case, it $x

gets the first line FILE

, and in the second case, it @x

gets the entire file. Each entry in @x

is a different line in FILE


So, if FILE

very large, you will lose memory tearing it all up at once using foreach (<FILE>)

versus while (<FILE>)

. This may or may not be a problem for you.

The place where it really matters is if FILE

is a pipe handle, as in:

open FILE, "some_shell_program|";


It foreach(<FILE>)

must now wait for completion some_shell_program

before it can enter the loop, or it while(<FILE>)

can read the output some_shell_program

one line at a time and execute in parallel with some_shell_program


However, the relationship behavior $_

remains unchanged between the two forms.



foreach evaluates the entire list forward. while evaluating a condition to check if its true value passes. while they should be considered for incremental operations, foreach is only for list sources.

For example:

my $t= time() + 10 ;
while ( $t > time() ) { # do something }







checks if the value is true, for

also puts the value in $_

, except in some cases. For example, will <>

set $_

if used in a loop while


to get similar behavior:

foreach(qw'a b c'){
    # Do something involving $_


You must explicitly install $_


while( $_ = shift @{[ qw'a b c' ]} ){  
    # Do something involving $_        


Better to explicitly specify variables

for my $line(<SOME_FILE>){


or better yet

while( my $line = <SOME_FILE> ){


which will only read in the file one line at a time.

Also shift

does not install $_

unless you specifically ask for it.

$_ = shift @_;


And it split

works $_

by default. If used in scalar or void context, will be filled @_




Such confusion should be avoided that he believes it is best not to use the implicit $ _ constructs.

my $element = shift @queue;
($item,@rest) = split /,/ , $element;



($item,@rest) = split /,/, shift @queue;



while(my $foo = <SOMEFILE>){

do something 




foreach my $thing(<FILEHANDLE>){

  do something





Read perldoc perlvar

on to get a feel for the different variables in Perl.

perldoc perlvar .



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