In javascript, how can I refer to this.form.checkbox [5] .checked?

I have a series of checkboxes and type = "text" input areas where I need to set the checkbox state to true when the value in the text area changes. Simple enough. I did it successfully:

<input name="fixed" type="checkbox">
<input name="stuff" type="text" onchange="this.form.fixed.checked=true">


Which works great. You have to edit the field and then click it, but this is ok for my needs:

... but when I switch to this:

<input name="fixed[0]" type="checkbox">
<input name="stuff" type="text" onchange="this.form.fixed[0].checked=true">
<input name="fixed[1]" type="checkbox">
<input name="stuff" type="text" onchange="this.form.fixed[1].checked=true">


I don't change my checkboxes when editing:

My only know-how in javascript comes from this kind of thing, I'm afraid. Does anyone have better information on this than Oracle Google on The Mountain has in store?



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3 answers

Switch from dot notation to parenthesized notation!





Perhaps you are mixing some shadow methods in HTML and when you do it in javascript they break.

So this.form.fixed [1] in javascript actually says "The second element in the array this.form.fixed. So I think that's the problem. Try naming the elements fixed0 and fixed1 and see if that works."

Edit . You can also use parenthesis notation as shown by Peter, which should solve the problem without editing the input names.



Make life easier for yourself.

Create a unique identifier for the elements you are trying to link to, and reference them from the elements you link events to:

<input name="fixed[0]" type="checkbox" id="fixed_0">
<input name="stuff" type="text" onchange="document.getElementById('fixed_0').checked=true">
<input name="fixed[1]" type="checkbox" id="fixed_1">
<input name="stuff" type="text" onchange="document.getElementById('fixed_1').checked=true">




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