PropertyGrid: Receive PropertyValueChanged notifications from CollectionEditor

The control is PropertyGrid

very useful for editing objects at runtime. I use it like this:

Form form = new Form();
form.Parent = this;
form.Text = "Editing MyMemberVariable";

PropertyGrid p = new PropertyGrid();
p.Parent = form;
p.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
p.SelectedObject = _MyMemberVariable;
p.PropertyValueChanged += delegate(object s, PropertyValueChangedEventArgs args) 



As you can see, I am using notification PropertyValueChanged

to figure out when to update _MyMemberVariable

. However _MyMemberVariable

- this is a class that I did not write, and one of its members is a type Collection

. PropertyGrid

calls the Collection Editor to edit this type. However, when the collection editor is closed, I don't get a notification PropertyValueChanged


Obviously I could work around this problem by using ShowDialog()

and invalidating _MyMemberVariable

after the dialog is closed.

But I would like the events to PropertyValueChanged

fire when the collections have been edited. Is there a way to do this without changing _MyMemberVariable

(I don't have access to its source code)?


source to share

2 answers

It's not very elegant, but it solved the problem I was having when someone updates / reorders a collection from a property grid:

propertyGrid1.PropertyValueChanged += (o, args) => PropertyGridValueChanged();
propertyGrid1.LostFocus += (sender, args) => PropertyGridValueChanged();


I am listening for an event LostFocus

when they click on something else. For my specific use case, this solution is sufficient. I think I mentioned this in case someone finds it useful.



I did some research and even reproduced the problem, however the solution I found doesn't help you, but I hope this information helps another person to help you.


The problem is easily reproducible by creating a new window form project, adding a property grid and list to the form, and setting the list as the selected property grid object.

//designer code excluded
public partial class Form1 : Form
    public Form1()

        propertyGrid1.SelectedObject = listBox1;

        propertyGrid1.PropertyValueChanged += delegate(object s, PropertyValueChangedEventArgs args)
            MessageBox.Show("Invalidate Me!");



When editing a collection of list items, the event never fires, the reason is that the Items property returns a reference to the collection. Since adding items to the collection doesn't actually change the reference when the property never changes, hence the property grid.

The solution I tried was to extend the property grid and update the logic that compares the two and checks if the data in the collection has changed and raised an event. I tried this, but the PropertyGrid had an inner class PropertyGridView which was causing problems for me.

Hope this helps someone understand your problem.




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