DPI Explained Image

Attempting to write a DPI definition led me to:

DPI (dots), PPI (dots), LPI (lines) all refer to the same concept, which is hereinafter referred to as DPI.

DPI is a device-specific measurement. It says, "This is the permission of this device."

Vector files are not tied to any DPI (they expand and contract to fit a specific resolution).

When this vector file is displayed in "bitmap" format - (bmp, png, tiff, jpg) etc ... this "bitmap" file is generated at a specific DPI for printing (or displaying) banding "or" scanline ", which are displayed at that particular DPI.

Now some have argued that DPI does not exist in bitmap files.

I am looking for DPI definition and how or why can it be considered not existing in a bitmap?


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4 answers

Since the bitmap has no physical size, it has no dpi. If you have a file format where the physical size is modeled, you can have (modeled) dpi.

You might want to differentiate between targeting and scope. If the point is not square, but a circle, the area covered is larger.

btw LPI is a different but related concept. A 100 LPI screen for a 600 DPI printer means there are 6 * 6 pixel squares to create 37 different gray levels (with 0-degree rotation).



Some file formats will contain a DPI value, but this can be ignored for most purposes. That you care about the aspect ratio in pixels to the size you display or print. Lower levels usually result in a fuzzy picture.



The bitmap will point every point and leave DPI and hence rendering to some other part of the system. I could paint sixteen by sixteen bitmaps on a wall with a projector and require one dpi. More advanced file formats will dictate how to display them because they care about how they look.



If the bitmap has a DPI, we can print / display it as "intended" if we also know the DPI of the display / printer.

I think I need to think less about DPI and more about estimated cm / inch. One nice thing about DPI is that it can give us an estimate of how good the result will look.



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