Invalid VB.NET transverse operation

I went through the site and the questions I found related to this question were for C # (the app I maintain is written in VB.NET), so I apologize if I'm not missing out.

This is where I call my thread:

Private Sub saveBtn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles saveBtn.Click
    If Not LoadedFilePath = String.Empty Then
        Dim oTrd = New Threading.Thread(AddressOf SaveData)
    End If
End Sub


And here are the methods:

Private Sub SaveData()
End Sub
Private Sub SaveData(ByVal filepath As String)
    If InvokeRequired Then
        Me.Invoke(New MethodInvoker(AddressOf SaveData))
    End If
        Me.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor
        Dim oSettings As New SettingsClass(filepath)
        Dim oEnc As New AES
        With oSettings
            //' Code removed for brevity
        End With
        oEnc = Nothing
        savedLbl.Visible = True
        If SavedTimeout IsNot Nothing Then
            End Try
        End If
        SavedTimeout = New TimedEvent(Now.AddSeconds(5))
        Me.Cursor = Cursors.Default
    Catch ex As Exception
    End Try
End Sub


The save function works very well, but I get a cross-flow error when the program tries to switch the cursor to the default. What can I do to fix this problem?


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4 answers

Your way of calling the method on the owner thread (GUI) is wrong. If a call is required, you don't have to execute the rest of the code in the method. If you do this, you will be executing it in both the GUI thread and the background thread, and when you try to access the GUI elements from the background thread, you will get a cross thread error.

The call should look like this:

Private Sub SaveData(ByVal filepath As String)
   If InvokeRequired Then
      Me.Invoke(New MethodInvoker(AddressOf SaveData))
      ... the actual code
   End If
End Sub


But why do you run the method on a background thread when it should still call itself on the GUI thread?



You have created a helper thread that is not allowed to be called into the user interface. You can set the cursor directly from the UI-Thread.

To do this, you need to fire an event from your helper thread, which tells the UI thread that your work is complete and that it can set the cursor back, or alternatively, do it using Invoking on the UI-Thread:

private void ResetCursor()
    this.Cursor = Cursor.Default;

private delegate void UpdateCursor();
private void SaveData()
    //Do your work here
        this.Invoke(new UpdateCursor(ResetCursor));




In a multithreaded Windows Forms application, it is illegal to call a method or property on a control from any thread other than the one that created it. All cross-threading calls must be explicitly bound to the thread that created the control (usually the main thread) using the Control.Invoke or Control.BeginInvoke method.

Here is a web page you can use to help you with this problem: C # VB.NET



This webpage has the stripped down code required to access the form control from a separate thread: cross + thread



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