How to load python.egg files when behind a firewall

I'm going to try out turbo engines, but I'm on Windows Vista. however, due to issues with the firewall proxy, I can't seem to download the .egg files that are needed to set the turbo chargers to install in my windows environment. I have a boot file, or I can make a bootable Linux USB, I can try cygwin, but I'm not sure where to start with cygwin, so I was wondering what would solve my firewall / proxy problem to install something- something like turbogers.

if possible, is there some kind of non-online version of the turbogers that I could just download from visiting the site and then somehow import that non-online version into my python environment?

Many thanks!:)


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5 answers

Perhaps the problem is not with the firewall per se, but with the fact that you need to use an HTTP proxy. If you need to use a proxy server, try setting the http_proxy environment variable. Your firewall might be using NTLM proxy authentication (which Python doesn't support); in this case, try setting up an APS proxy on your local machine and point http_proxy to localhost.



You can run TG locally from windows . The installation method

uses setuptools , which depends on the ability to contribute .egg

files from the Internet. The best approach would be to open up a firewall for eggs like the others. TG has a list of egg files that you can try manually (maybe from an open internet connection). Setting the egg manually is possible but not recommended .

If it is not possible to change the firewall rules, you can use a Linux (boot or virtual) installation with a preconfigured TG package. For example, Fedora has one . So the TG packet traverses (hopefully) the firewall as a file .rpm




You can use the old firewall ... try leaving "? File.jpg" or "# file.jpg" at the end (without quotes). The firewall can see this when you try to upload an image file that it will resolve to the responder server, it probably doesn't matter that you bind the query string and (I think) python will just see the egg.



Add python to firewall exceptions list. Just make sure you don't run any questionable code done in python, of course.



This may not be what you are looking for, but you can bypass SSH proxy tunneling . Another possibility is to use Tor .



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