Duplicates in QIF file?

Does anyone have a good way to delete duplicate transactions (same date, quantity, bill, etc.) in a QIF file? I looked at PERL Finance: QIF but it seems to have removed the write function.

Alternatively, does anyone have a good QIF → CSV converter?

While I am looking at a PERL solution, I am open to other ideas.


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2 answers

Finance :: QIF doesn't really need the delete () method (although that would be handy) because you can access all transactions as a list and manipulate them yourself. the source code is very simple, it would be quite easy to add an as_csv () method to Finance :: QIF :: Transaction (the module used to store the transaction data), after which you can apply your own sorting method for uniqueness (like plain old "sort -u ").



Bank2CSV at https://www.propersoft.net/bank2csv/ converts QIF files to CSV format. Litigation is limited to 10 transactions, command line mode is supported after registration.



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