How to get ascms.exe from ascmd.cs -.csproj and -.sln files?
I downloaded Samples for MS SQL Server 2005 and I don't know how to get the .exe file from files like ascmd.sln, ascmd.cs, ascmd.csproj. When I try to run the .sln file in Visual Studio, I get an error like:
Application for project C: \ project_path \ project_name is not installed
Do I need a C # compiler or something like that?
yes you will need to compile the .CS file. Compilers are part of Visual Studio Express ( download ). You will need C # Edition.
One you have installed, you can run the command "csc ascmd.cs" to compile. csc is located in% windir% \ Microsoft.NET \ Framework \ v3.5 \ csc.exe
Alternatively, you can compile from the IDE. Just double-click the .sln or .csproj file and the IDE will open. CRTL + SHIFT + B is compiled. F5 works.
Thev v3.5 will change depending on the version you are installing.
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