Naming: BEGIN ~ END vs LIVE ~ EVIL blocks structured languages

Curly Bracket languages ​​are well known: ( wikipedia )

Other programming languages ​​may have a BEGIN ~ END vs LIVE ~ EVIL structure. eg,

A) BEGIN ~ END, DO ~ END, IF ~ END IF - examples:    Ada , Modula , Pascal , PL / I , Ruby   , etc ...

B) IF ~ FI, DO ~ OD, CASE ~ IN ~ OUT ~ ESAC - examples: Action! , ALGOL 68 , Bourne shell , Cool , ELLA , Protected Command Language , Lucid , Opal , Maple , Mary ,    Polyglot , Promela , etc ..

What are the official (or other reasonable) names to distinguish between the two different styles A) and B) of structural structuring?


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4 answers

As a pun on the "reverse", I suggest: IF ~ FI, DO ~ OD, CASE ~ IN ~ OUT ~ ESAC as a "reverent" block structuring.

The first case of "reverent" block structuring can be found at http: // ALGOL Bulletin - ISSN: 0084-6198 , however I cannot find the name of the creator or the exact publication.

Hence also: BEGIN ~ END, DO ~ END, IF ~ END IF as "irreverent" block structuring.

An example of a technical palindrome that appears much earlier (and outside of computation) would be Lord Kelvin Mho (℧) .




Interchangeable brace or bracket programming languages ​​are those that use balanced brackets ({and}), also known as "sliding braces", "brace braces", or just "curly braces") to create blocks in their syntax or formal grammar. mainly due to the influence of C. The main alternative style is the use of paired keywords, although some languages ​​(notably Python and Occam) use the outer style instead, and Lisp uses parentheses.

I take from this as meaning:
{} = curly brace programming languages ​​BEGIN END = paired keyword
indentation = off-side

Not to say that Wikipedia is definitive, but it seems close to the "official" names as you get, and most people will probably know right away what you are talking about if you reference them as such.



I am afraid the answer may be unsatisfied. Only the names of which I heard were programming languages curly brackets and programming languages without braces :)



Algol actually started with the if

- then

- begin

- syntax end

before moving on to the if

- then

- syntax fi

, so it's probably best to avoid calling anything "Algol- like". Many people are likely to get your drift if you call begin

- end

"Pascal-like" bracketing and if

- fi

"sh-like" bracketing.



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