Managing multiple branches in Eclipse or getting a VS-like installation for Eclipse

It's easy in VS. Everything a project needs is stored in the project folder and all VS settings are stored in one place. However, Eclipse stores Eclipse preferences in the project and maintains the workspace-level metadata needed to discover projects in the workspace. So I can't just deploy the project and then open it in Eclipse. I need to set up a workspace, paste it into that workspace, copy all my workspace settings (import / export settings don't work even in Eclipse), so I have the same Eclipse settings, then do some kind of import to get the project into working area. This is what I usually call a wavy neck pain and it makes me not fork any Java projects and keep them all in the same folder. It is also pain.

Is there a way to get the setting where I can just deploy the project and open it in Eclipse while keeping the same Eclipse settings?

UPDATE: The current state of the issue is expressed by a comment on the soru post.


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3 answers

Pretty sure you want:

  • Maintain the same workspace for all projects (or maybe several, at the "hobby" and "work" level).
  • switching between different branches in the same project using the functions of your version control / plugin
  • if you want to work with multiple branches at the same time, just create two projects and manage them as above.
  • If you want to temporarily hide the inactive version, use the "working set" feature.

The main limitation is that you may want projects with the same name, but you cannot. Therefore, sometimes you have to compose a project name other than the base folder name.

In general, the mapping between VS and Eclipse:

  • Installation ↔ workspace
  • Solution ↔ working set
  • Project ↔ project or folder or branch of VC system or working set node


object model VS

using worksets in Eclipse

working with branches in a subclass



Well, I'm not a fan of saving any IDE specific settings to the repo, but when I do that, I only save .project, .classpath and .settings.

You can also save settings at the workspace level (Windows-> Preferences) rather than at the project level (Project-> Properties).

Also why are you creating a separate workspace for branches? You can save it in one workspace, you don't need to create another.

You can also use "switch" in subversion (I don't know what you are using, but other revision systems should have something similar) and go to the branch you created. (of course, if you want to work on multiple branches at the same time, then it doesn't help)



I cannot talk to the Eclispe problem as I am just a n00b user, but I can talk to a secondary question.

I've been working on systems for several years, resulting in you need to have different branches of the same code for different reasons.

One of the best reasons for storing specific settings in specific locations in a project is that the various settings and compiler / sdk / etc files may be branch specific and not clash between branches.

This allows, for example, to perform the work of updating the code installed on the new sdk / compiler to be executed without affecting the work with the existing "mainline" code with the previous sdk / compiler as needed.

In my experience in the computer games industry, as the main technological wog, this happens LOT.

I am sure that similar situations are happening outside of the computer games industry, perhaps just not at the same pace.



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