StyleCop / MSBuild & Visual Studio configuration of different behavior

Here is a problem with a specific StyleCop configuration.

I have two Settings.StyleCop files in my Visual Studio.Net solution folders.

The first is placed in the root of the folder with the selected rules for the command.

As I want to disable some of the rules for a specific project, I put another Settings.StyleCop file in the corresponding project folder.


  • when running the analysis from Visual Studio IDE (Run StyleCop), a specific project file is examined and no violation occurs.
  • When running analysis from StyleCopCmd (command tool), the project file is probably ignored and some irregularities occur.
  • when running analysis from an MSBuild target, the project file is also ignored and some violations occur.

Am I missing something with the StyleCop config to have different results?

I am using: Windows XP StyleCop 4.3 MSBuild 3.5 SP1 MSBuild Extension Pack StyleCopCmd

The problem seems to be the same with StyleCop and MSBuild Extension Pack


Olivier salad.


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