Overlay multiple JSliders in Swing
Is it possible to overlay multiple JSliders so I can see the thumbs up on both (I tried to turn off track drawing and set the opacity to false but still hides the other one)? Basically I would like to create a component that allows the user to define a range (and I really didn't want to write a custom one as it has most of the slider attributes). If there is another way I can do it with the slider, that will work too.
Ah, I found it (I shouldn't have serialized in the correct terms). Swing labs as JXMultiThumbSlider which I think will do the trick.
I recently had the same problem, I need a two thumbs slider. I didn't get too deep into this and what I did to get the range was just put two sliders and in "onSliderChange" the event listener prevented one less than the other and the other more than that. I don't believe Swing has a two-small slider, although it might be a cool new feature to add, so I think it's your best bet.
JIDE has a RangeSlider with two thumbs (and a nice padding on top to move both thumbs at the same time (like dragging the range) into the open source shared layer: http://www.jidesoft.com/products/oss.htm