Why is the doctrine returning more fields than I requested?

I've been tinkering with Doctrine (version 1.0.3) to see if this would work well for the collection of applications I'm writing.

I am trying to execute a query and only return 3 fields. I am getting the correct fields in one table, but in the join table, I am getting everything when I only need one field. I wrote that the SQL should be in phpMyAdmin and it only returns what I need.

 31 $ftp_info = Doctrine_Query::create()
 32          ->select('f.uid, f.home, s.identifier')
 33          ->from('FtpUser f')
 34          ->leftJoin('f.Submitter s')
 35          ->where('f.uid = ?',500)
 36          ->execute();
 38 print $ftp_info[0]->uid ."\n";
 39 print $ftp_info[0]->home ."\n";
 40 print $ftp_info[0]->Submitter->description ."\n";
 41 print $ftp_info[0]->Submitter->identifier ."\n";


This gives me the value to describe when I didn't ask for it in the request. These two tables have a one-to-one relationship defined in their respective setUp methods.

Any hints as to what I am missing?


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1 answer

I think it will lazily load this field from the database automatically at your request. See here

The result can be var_dump()

to confirm this



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