Need help with Regex to extract zip code from string

I need to extract the zip code from a string. The line looks like this:

Sandviksveien 184, 1300 Sandvika


How can I use regex to retrieve the zip code? In the above line, the postal code will be 1300.

I tried something along the way like this:

Regex pattern = new Regex(", [0..9]{4} ");
string str = "Sandviksveien 184, 1300 Sandvika";
string[] substring = pattern.Split(str);
lblMigrate.Text = substring[1].ToString();


But it doesn't work.


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3 answers

This should do the trick:


And here's a quick example of how to use it:

using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

class Test
    static void Main()
        String input = "Sandviksveien 184, 1300 Sandvika";

        Regex regex = new Regex(@",\s(\d{4})",
            RegexOptions.Compiled |

        Match match = regex.Match(input);

        if (match.Success)




I think you are looking for Grouping that you can do with RegExes ...

For example...

Regex.Match(input, ", (?<zipcode>[0..9]{4}) ").Groups["zipcode"].Value;


You may need to change this a little, as I will fade from memory ...



Try the following:

var strs = new List<string> { 
"ffsf 324, 3480 hello",
"abcd 123, 1234 hello",
"abcd 124, 1235 hello",
"abcd 125, 1235 hello"

Regex r = new Regex(@",\s\d{4}");

foreach (var item in strs)
    var m = r.Match(item);
    if (m.Success)
       Console.WriteLine("Found: {0} in string {1}", m.Value.Substring(2), item);




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