Delete or virtual delete?

I am writing a lib and a demo project. The project doesn't care what version of lib I am using (I can use sdl, directx or whatever I like as the gfx backend). To get an object, I do

Obj *obj = libname_newDevice();


Now, should I use delete or should I do obj->deleteMe();

? I am asking because I am not doing anything new, so I shouldn't be doing the deletion?

I have obj->create(theType);

one that returns a class with an Obj interface. My real question is, do I need it libname_deleteDevice();

or is it obj->deleteMe()

great, since I have deleteMe in the interface?


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5 answers

I would take one more step.
If you are using a factory function to create, it might make sense to use a factory function to destroy. In addition to this, to make it all a pleasant and safe investment in the facility.

class ObjWrap
        {    libname_deleteDevice(obj);}
        ObjWrap(ObjWrap const&);        // Dont copy
        void operator=(ObjWrap const&); // Dont copy
        Obj* obj;
}; // If you want to copy then you need to extra work on ref counting
   // This may need some form of smart pointer.




Since you are abstracting the creation inside libname_newDevice (), which I think is also not good, you should destroy the use of something like libname_destroyDevice (obj).



Please try to clarify your question. This is completely incomprehensible to me.

  • Why are you talking about graphic back end? Does this relate to the question?
  • Are you asking how should you design your library or how to use it?

It is good practice to create a factory to create the object. I guess this is the role libname_newDevice()


The library should also provide a way to delete an object (for example, obj->DeleteMe()

or libname_Delete(obj)


Don't rely on C ++ delete

: the caller and the library can be compiled with a different version of the compiler, which will do different things related to memory and resource allocation. Therefore, it is safer if your library removes the object it created.



I think the best way is to read RAII and have some sort of reference counting wrapper object (you can even use a shared_ptr with a custom liberator).



You definitely don't want to implement Obj :: deleteMe (). It should do something like:

delete this;


while you were still inside this-> deleteMe (). Follow Jaywalker's suggestion and have the destroy function take Obj * as a parameter.



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