How do I view the date error in Bugzilla?

We are using bugzilla and I would like to add a column to the list view to see the last timestamp when the error state was set to resolve or close. Is this possible, and if so, how? If not, how can I get closer to this?

Using Bugzilla v3.2.3.


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2 answers

It looks like the closest you can get to the Changed column. Unfortunately this update even with comments added.



It's not very pretty and simple, but this request will give you the error ID and timestamp of the most recent time the error was changed to RESOLVED. I'm sure you can adapt this for CLOSED too. If you want to access this information from the Bugzilla user interface, you will need to modify the code for your Bugzilla installation to expose this information.

select bugs.bug_id, bugs_activity.bug_when as 'Resolved'
from bugs
left join bugs_activity on     bugs.bug_id = bugs_activity.bug_id
                           and bugs_activity.fieldid=9
                           and bugs_activity.added='RESOLVED'
                           and bugs_activity.bug_when = (select max(a.bug_when)
                                                         from bugs_activity a
                                                         where a.bug_id = bugs.bug_id
                                                           and a.fieldid=9
                                                           and a.added='RESOLVED')




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