How Does Reliable WCF Sessions Affect Message Ordering?

One of the things Microsoft says about enabling trusted sessions is that the service will be able to process messages in the order in which they were received.

Does this mean that messages are processed in order within one session? Or does it mean that all messages for all sessions in the service are processed in order?

I know netTcpBinding is already reliable without enabling reliable sessions. However, let's say you are using something like WsDualHttpBinding with no reliable sessions enabled ... is it possible that if the client sends a request to A and then sends a request to B that the service can get B to A? Or does it mean that if client A sends message to A and client B sends message to B, then I can process B to A?


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1 answer

The service can receive B through A, but reliable sessions buffer messages and process them only in the order in which they were sent in the session. It will not execute gaurentee between different sessions, only in the same session that is created by the client.



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