What are the limitations of wpf web browser control?

What are the limitations of WPF web browser control? Is this enough for a real browser implementation? And is this a fully managed implementation?


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3 answers

The WPF WebBrowser control is just an interop layer that hosts the IE ActiveX control. It should be very robust and usable for a real browser (since it really is IE). This is not a managed implementation.

Its main limitation stems from the fact that it uses HwndHost internally. This means it has WPF / Native airspace issues as well as some minor event handling issues.



This is good enough for real life use, and I agree with Reeds' view on the matter.

Additionally, if a person does not have certain IE files on their computer, the control is rendered useless. Here are a few discovered limitations that I found:

  • I found using controls WebBrowser

    to hate IE6 on the computer when trying to embed JavaScript inside a control. (Very machine specific, so can you tell that there is no full compatibility?)
  • The fact that you will need to actually reference IE's core assemblies in order to get certain functionality, like getting something more useful than HtmlElement

  • Lack of support for some of its 2.0 instance features, such as Suppressing Script Errors.
  • Doesn't work with WPF layout system
  • Again because its wrapper is for IE, all of the compatibility issues in things like CSS remain, as do most, if not all of IE's problems.

Overall, the control could be greatly improved, and frankly, it would be great to see the .NET team make a fully managed version of this component.





Adding to @Kyle and @Reed's answers, below are my observations as limitations.

  • We cannot render PDF in this WebBrowser control.
  • Under the IE engine. We cannot replace IE with the latest version of Microsoft Edge.


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