Using checkbox / radio button / progress bar in Flex 3 modules

In my project environment, I have 2 projects.

MyApp and MyModule

MyApp loads MyModule. When it loads, it tries to get a class of type DisplayObject and add it to the container.

The problem occurs when I try to use a checkbox / radio button / progress bar.

The checkbox and radio button are displayed just like normal buttons and the progress bar drops:

"Instant action taken for non-constructor."

Line 958 in

if (!_barMask)
            if (FlexVersion.compatibilityVersion >= FlexVersion.VERSION_3_0)
                var barMaskClass:Class = getStyle("maskSkin");
                _barMask = new barMaskClass(); // CRASH!!
                _barMask = new UIComponent();

            _barMask.visible = true;
            UIComponent(_bar).mask = DisplayObject(_barMask);


Does anyone know how to use controls in a module correctly?


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1 answer

The answer is here:

The module must be loaded into the application domain.



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