32-bit application pool on x64 server for Windows 2008

What is the difference between enabling and disabling "Enable 32-bit applications" in website application pools in IIS7 on an x64 machine?

I mainly think about memory usage.

Thank you in advance


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2 answers

I believe the current "trend" for this kind of hosting is for each site to have its own application pool and each application pool running in 32 bits. This allows you to isolate the application pool and allows each node and application pool to be limited to 4GB of memory, which basically works to 2.4GB before reinstalling asp.net with a 60% memory threshold.

If you have a separate site that requires more memory, you should change this application pool to x64, which will significantly increase the application pool.



The 32-bit application pool allows you to run 32-bit ISAPI.DLL-based applications, such as those created from an ATL server. They cannot be loaded into 64-bit application pools.



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