How do I disable the status bar?

New project based on a view in Xcode Go to main.xib and view.xib respectively. In each case, don't set the status bar in the attributes section to view

Not sure why it is still showing on both simulator and platform?

Looking for something in your code but can't see what else is causing this?

Does anyone know how to disable the status bar?



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2 answers

Found it out ...

Using Snow Leopard and XCode 3.2, you simply edit the Info.plist application.

Right click the open Info.plist and add the line.

Select "Status Bar" from the drop-down list. In the column of the desired type in UIStatusBarHidden.

To influence this more dynamically, this can be used instead of:

[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarHidden: YES animated: NO]; should hide the status bar.

// :)



Failure of the state in the interface builder doesn't make it go away, use UIApplications - (void) setStatusBarHidden: (BOOL) hidden animated: (BOOL) animated here /Reference/Reference.html#//apple_ref/occ/instm/UIApplication/setStatusBarHidden:animated :



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