Eclipse perspective switcher as in google chrome or riena

Does anyone know how to implement an eclipse perspective switcher so that each perspective appears as a separate tab at the top of the window?

The menu should be inside the content of the tab, below the tabs, as shown in google chrome.

I have seen

but it is not so.

I saw Riena's screenshots and it almost looks like what is in my mind, but I don't know how they did it. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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3 answers

In Riena in particular, the tabs you see are "sub-applications" and not perspectives. Riena has a slightly different approach to user interface and Look and Feel than regular RCP / Eclipse applications.

Take a look at the Look and Feel section on the Eclipse wiki to get an idea. Alternatively, you can download the source code and get started with Riena pretty quickly and see for yourself how they do it.



In fact, the subapical in Rien, mentioned by Anirud, is modeled as the perspectives of the ROC within. Therefore, using the Presentation API, when switching to another helper application, Riena will launch internally to switch to a different perspective.



Check plugin preference:


Read below for details:

How to change the pos perspective panel

I'm not sure if the above link will lead to the exact index. If not Click on the link and check Question 12: How can I change the default UI preferences for perspective bar location, view bar quick position, etc.?



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