Don't mix Response.Write with AJAX, but what about UI.HtmlTextWriter?

From the error message creator's blog , if you mix Response.Write (among other things) with UpdatePanel, you will probably get PageRequestManagerParserErrorException errors. I was wondering if it is ok to mix UI.HtmlTextWriter and UpdatePanels? I'm guessing it won't be ok, but I'm not sure. With the limited testing I've done so far, this looks ok. Does anyone know for sure? Thank!


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3 answers

The HtmlTextWriter is how each control writes its output through the Render method, so yes, that's fine. Otherwise, the control will not be displayed.



I would suggest separating the dynamic response.write code into your code and putting it in a placeholder.



In Ra-Ajax, we have a "custom thread" that you can write. Although this "stuff" has to be JavaScript to be executed on the client. I'm not sure if ASP.NET AJAX has something like this ...



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