Useful New Technologies .net (

Previously it was .net 2.0, which is a big change in .net development. many developers work mainly on this. Currently microsoft has introduced .net 3.0 and yet its next version .net 4.0. As such, the next version will be a major change in .net development.

I have listed some of the features of this ...

WPF Workflow Foundation WCF Windows Platform Flexible Methodological Implementation. Improved Silverlight functionality.

In next-generation infrastructure, what features do you like and why they appeal to you.


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3 answers

You missed .NET 3.5, which is actually a larger package than .NET 3.0; .NET 3.0 adds things like WCF / WPF / WF, which are more convenient ways to do things that were (usually) already there in the framework.

However .NET 3.5 adds LINQ, which is huge and widespread. LINQ-to-Objects is the most commonly used, providing a better model for regular code. But LINQ-to-SQL and EF (in Service Pack 1) are ORM tools (with many others available).

.NET 4.0 targets several issues, in particular threads (TPL / CCR) and dynamic objects (DLR). C # 4.0 has mostly changes to make it easier to work with dynamic objects.



If you ask what new features will be introduced in the future .NET 4.0 Framework, I've heard a lot about parallel computing, in particular the parallel task library built into the core of the Framework, and PLinq or Parallel Linq, targeting LINQ-to -Objects and LINQ-to-XML.

Check te Microsoft PDC website for more interesting information.



I really love lambda expressions. It makes things a lot easier! I am also looking forward to some of the features in C # 4.0 like optional parameters, named parameters, No PIA, and more. :-)



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