Radbox Radius Attributes via SQL Statement?
Ok I figured it out, and for someone else who has this problem:
On the "Authorization" tab in the list of responses: When adding an attribute from an SQL query, the first selected variable from the query is an attribute, and the second is a value.
SELECT 'attribute', value FROM table WHERE username ='$u'
For a more specific example:
SELECT 'Ascend-Data-Rate', hsbrate.rate FROM hsbrate, customer WHERE customer.id = hsbrate.id AND username='$u'
This statement will basically pass the following:
Ascend-Data-Rate = 1024000
(assumes 1024000 is the speed value stored in the database)
NOTE: $ u is a friendly variable in Radbox Radius that denotes the authentication of the current user.
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kylex, try these links and see if they help. In particular, the first
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