Checking if the application is running from a batch file?

How do I use a batch file to check if the application is still working? If the application is still running, this process will be repeated over and over. Otherwise, an error message will appear.

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4 answers

on windows you use pstools pslist to check if the process name is running with a .cmd script like below. Pslist will return ERRORLEVEL 0 if the process is running, 1 if not.

@echo off


rem waiting for the process to start
sleep 1
c:\path\to\pslist.exe CommandYouWillRun > NUL
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto startcmd

rem the process has now started

sleep 1
c:\path\to\pslist.exe CommandYouWillRun > NUL
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 got finished
goto waitforcmd

echo "This is an error message"





ps aux | Grep task | wc -l

where task is the name of the task (for example, "apache2" - no quotes needed)



You can write powershell-script and use get-process with filtering.



Perhaps you mean a task list? You can run this from the command line to get all running processes on Windows ... for the rest of what you're asking, I think you need to be more specific.



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