Is MySQL caching happening, how can I fix it?

I think MySQL or ASP.NET are caching my queries.

I edited my MySQL sproc to remove some options, but it keeps saying that those options are missing. How do I fix this or make it work again?

Edit :

I got this problem: MySQL Caching

Except I don't have permission to do it. RESET QUERY CACHE

What else can I do?


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2 answers

What You Need to Know About MySQL Stored Procedure Caching

Each individual connection to the MySQL server maintains its own procedure cache.
from The Art of SQL

This means that restarting your browser, computer, further modifying the procedure, etc. etc. everything won't work.

You have several options :

  • restart the MySQL database server or the MySQL database server computer.

    in MySQL if you have priveladges
  • force your ASP.NET application to recompile by reloading the web.config, global.asax or the whole application

The third is the easiest and best bet.



This error means that the parameter is being accessed in the parameter collection on the code-side. Have you changed your code or class or whatever so that you don't try to set these parameters?



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