How to hide the qtip prompt after a while?

I am using qtip ( ) to create tooltips. Now I need to show the tooltips when the button is clicked and hide the tooltips for example when 3 seconds have passed. My current code doesn't work, hints sometimes go away and sometimes stay ...

var self = $("#email");
        self.qtip( { 
            content: error, 
            tip: true,
            position: { corner: { target: 'rightMiddle', tooltip: 'leftMiddle' } }, 
            style: 'error',
            show: { when: false, ready: true }, 
            hide: { when: { event: 'mousemove' }, delay: 2000, effect: function() { self.qtip("destroy"); } }
        } );



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1 answer

@newbie, but the answer is, is to clean up the code and maybe that's the problem. for example, replacing the variable name "self" with "this".

$("#email").qtip( { 
   content: error, 
   tip: true,
   position: { corner: { target: 'rightMiddle', tooltip: 'leftMiddle' } }, 
   style: 'error',
   show: { when: false, ready: true }, 
   hide: { when: { event: 'mousemove' }, 
           delay: 2000, 
           effect: function() { $(this).qtip("destroy"); }




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