IPhone User Interface Custom Component

Can I list custom iPhone UI components?

I am aware of Three20 components, which is an interface and a framework. Does anyone know of other similar UI component libraries for iPhone.

To be more specific, I'm looking for a horizontal slider that you can click and it will keep sliding. Apple currently has those big wheels (UIPicker) that you can click and it will keep spinning. I want something similar but horizontal. I know I can write it myself, but I wanted to see if there is something like that.

Cheers, John.


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3 answers

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Hmm, I know about one thing (this is not a collector, but rather progress).


It's quite average, to be honest, and I've seen other UI components and they're all pretty rough around the edges.

If you need a UI element for something specific, code it yourself. Otherwise I would use Apple UI elements. Usually Apple does a pretty good job of UI and if you start using custom UI elements you might have problems submitting to the AppStore. Also, imagine if all apps were creating custom iPhone sliders, selection controls, etc., I would imagine the iPhone experience would get a little sour, and that's one of the reasons people do this. like using the iPhone ... consistency.

Having said that, I created my own progress because the UIProgressView didn't cut it out:

alt text

I suppose I am contradicting myself, but what I am saying is only modified in very specific circumstances ... such as games or things where you expect non-standard elements.



Graph component. Sweet and easy to use. Straightforward iPhone way: http://code.google.com/p/s7graphview/



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