Figured out which methods were changed by validation?

Here's the deal - I want to find out which methods were touched or changed during the last milestone / iteration so that the Javadoc methods are checked for correct content, especially for public API methods.

Any ideas on how to do this, perhaps with an SVN hook?


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2 answers

there is no single command to achieve this, but you can combine some svn commands to achieve something like this:

  • svn diff last tag with your trunk: revision HEAD with --summarize option
  • svn annotate each file that you truncated in step 1 and parse the output to find the modified codes (their turnover is greater than tag-rev.)
  • mark related functions or output them to a report file (just remember the last function signature if you are parsing the file line by line)

class / methodname is trivial to get for regular Java classes, however if you use innerclasses it gets trickier, but then: do they have or need javadoc comments?



Idea at least: svn diff has the ability to pass arguments to the diff command. One such option is -p

also known as --show-c-function

. This will probably be related to solving this problem for C code. So the question is, is there an implementation of diff that knows Java syntax well enough to support a similar variation? I Googled but couldn't find anything.



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