Where can I find a sample MFC project to study?

When I have found a few questions, I always try to go to www.codeproject.com and www.codeguru.com to find sample projects or tutorials. But sometime I found that resources from codeproject and codeguru are not enough.

So can someone suggest me a better website that has helpful sample projects or a tutorial about C ++ / MFC ...?

Thanks in advance!


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3 answers

I understand that you already mentioned CodeProject, but I have to specify the ToDoList project specifically . This is a great end-to-end example of a well-designed, well-designed, object-oriented MFC application. There are many classes in this project that I have reused in my own materials. Not to mention, this is a great app too.



Yes, check MSDN. Like a video for your own code.



Ps this is what I am using. :-)



Microsoft provides a bunch of MFC samples with Visual C ++. If they are not on your local machine, you can download them from MSDN .



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