Detecting Windows 7 with Google Analytics

This question may belong to one of the other trilogies, but this seemed to be the best place.

I have Google Analytics installed but it doesn't seem to detect Windows 7. I'm on Win7 myself, so I know there must be at least some Win7 users.

The user agent for Win7 is NT 6.1 and Google Analytics has detected NT users, but I'm not sure if this is a match or not ...

Any ideas?


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4 answers

Windows 7 is currently defined as Windows NT.

See this issue .

You can submit a new bug here .



Why not just parse the user agent in a javascript block for NT 6.1?



In 2017, you can add a segment to match only Windows 7 by clicking New segment, then Technology, then enter โ€œOSโ€ exactly to match Windows

and enter the OS version starting with 7

. Then click "Save".

This is how it looks:




Google Analytics only analyzes the User-Agent string. For example, this is Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0)

for IE8 on Windows 7 .

On Windows 7 IE8 will send a User-Agent String with the new Windows NT token.

(If you're wondering why Windows 7 uses the version number "6.1": the short answer is that it improves compatibility and a longer answer can be found over on the Windows team blog .)



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