How do you do Cygwin without rlogin or rsh password for Solaris 5.7

I am trying to log into my works in Solaris box from cygwin on windows. SSH is not supported. I tried another combination in .rhosts with no luck

I do not have root privileges.


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2 answers

I found the answer. When I entered the password the way he understood my login, it was at the top of the screen (which you didn't expect). I put this in .rhosts and it worked.



While you have found the answer to your question with rlogin / rsh, my recommendation is to stop using these unsafe programs. Both are known to have buffer overflow exploits and they both send passwords in clear text.

There is currently no excuse for not using SSH these days. Tell who owns / operates the system to enable it. It's really in their best interest. It is installed by default for most flavors of Unix and is available as a package to most vendors.

Anyone using a Unix / Linux system and not using SSH is simply irresponsible.



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