Thoughts on making webapp full screen in popup

At my company, most of the inventory tracking is done through an ASP.NET web application. The app is poorly conceived, poorly designed, poorly implemented and somewhat hassle for the user to work with. This is what I believe and the management has their own thoughts on the matter.

The luxury of browser button and bookmarks is no longer an option due to heaps and heaps of ancient Ajax code, and now one of my bosses has an idea that he would rather not have the URL bar and browser buttons appear at all.

I told him at first that it was not possible, but after thinking about it, I suppose it might work if you used Javascript to create a full screen popup and ran your app in that.

I am personally against this idea, although since I am the one who will be doing the job my own subconscious motives are suspicious, so I would like to collect some opinions on launching the application this way.

Also, does anyone have any experience of translating a regular webapp to such a setup? I would like to know how much work you can have in the store.


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3 answers

Next time, for the good of the world, keep these ideas to yourself. It looks like your boss is not allowed to make such a call, so give him a call.

If your boss thinks the url bar and browser buttons shouldn't be there, then convert them to a standalone app. Don't try to squeeze him into a web platform unless that means he is alone.

You know the problems, so fight for what you think is right. Don't do anything that you won't be proud of.



You can find Prism intresting

Full screen mode, no bars, only WebApp



I would be tempted to just add a button that will allow you to pull the app out without deleting normal mode.

Sell ​​it with some kind of waffle if needed about how users got confused or couldn't open it again. Or even pretend it can't be done without him.

This is like user friendliness. Salvation of your conscience anyway



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