Localization suggestions for exceptions

I need to add localization to the exceptions thrown by my application as many are ApplicationExceptions and are handled and logged in the bug report. Ideally, I want to throw a new exception that inherits from ApplicationException that I can pass the resource key as well as the arguments, so that a mess can be created from the resource information. Unfortunately (I think) the only way to set the message in an exception is in New () ...

I would like something like:

public class LocalizedException
    Inherits ApplicationException  

public Sub New(ResourceKey as string, arg0 as Object)
    ' get the localized text'  
    Dim ResMan as New Global.System.Resources.ResourceManager("AppName.ExceptionResources", _
    Dim LocalText as string = ResMan.GetString(ResourceKey)
    Dim ErrorText as String = ""
        Dim ErrorText = String.Format(LocalText, arg0)
        ErrorText = LocalText + arg0.ToString() ' in case String.Format fails'
    End Try
    ' cannot now set the exception message!'
End Sub
End Class


However, I can only have MyBase.New () as the first line ReadOnly message

Does anyone have any advice on how to get the localized strings into an Exception handler? I will need this for several different exceptions, although I could go the route of an exception function that gets the localized string and throws the exception, although then the stack information is wrong. I also don't want too much in the main corpus before throwing, as it is obviously starting to drop into stream readability.


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2 answers

Here is an example of what I am doing. EmillException inherits from ApplicationException.

namespace eMill.Model.Exceptions
    public sealed class AccountNotFoundException : EmillException
        private readonly string _accountName;

        public AccountNotFoundException(string accountName)
            _accountName = accountName;

        public override string Message
            get { return string.Format(Resource.GetString("ErrAccountNotFoundFmt"), _accountName); }




take a look at this:


I don't need to deal with localization, but it makes sense.



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