Display outgoing message

I'm trying to get my head around WCF and have a test case where I want to receive an unsigned SOAP message and return a signed SOAP message where the body is signed.

So how do I add a public / private key pair to a WCF service to use when signing?

Second, how would I add a digital signature to an outgoing message that only signs the body.

I am using custom SOAP1.1 with binding to WS addresses.

I am using C #.


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2 answers

Which service do you subscribe your message to? If it's for Amazon then this article contains a good tutorial: Signing Amazon Product Advertising API Requests - Missing C # WCF .



Just saw this post and not sure if it is still up to date, but it helps anyone else:

[Serviceinstance].ChannelFactory.EndPoint.Contract.ProtectionLevel =




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