How to insert a new line in a Sharepoint multi-line box?

I am inserting items into a Sharepoint list using C # and accessing the lists.asmx web service. One of the fields in the list is a text box with multiple lines (rich text) and I want to insert line breaks in the field. What characters am I putting in the XML query to insert a line break? Thank.


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3 answers

I have the same setup as you and I are tired of <br />

, but it won't translate if you use an XML element to update the list.

When you create your text, use instead . <![CDATA[<br/>]]>

<br />

This will be translated, tested and verified.



You can add tags <br />

to text. the contents of the field are stored in a CDATA element.





I had the same problem but neither <br />

nor <br/>

worked for me in <![CDATA[

. In the end, I removed the CDATA and treated the text like a normal string, inserting a property System.Environment.NewLine

where a line break was ever needed.



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