Enterprise Library 4: Logging Blog Flat File

I am having a problem creating a log entry to a text file. Here is my registration configuration in my ASP.net application.


and here is my vb.net code

Try db.ExecuteNonQuery (cmd, tr) tr.Commit () result = True Catch ex As Exception Dim entry As New LogEntry () entry.EventId = 11 entry.Message = ex.Message entry.Categories.Add ("General") Logger.Write (write)

                End Try


All tutorials and examples I've found so far are based on the old Enterprise Library version. I am using Enterprise Library 4. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? Is this my code or config? Where can I find more Enterprise Library version 4 tutorial. I tried to follow the quickstart it came with, but I can't seem to get the head or tail done.


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1 answer

his basic tutorial on using corporate library 4.1


btw to get mine to work i had to change all PublicKeyToken to = null otherwise web.config didn't check gl



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