PubSubHubbub for Blogging in Ruby (Merb)

I write my own blog (everyone should, it's a good experience). I have implemented Atom and RSS feeds and they are used by multiple readers. Most of the readers use Google Reader, which at this point regularly checks my site for updates.

I would like to set up the Subscribe (PubSubHubbub) publishing option as documented here , and I would like to be my own hub that integrated the protocol hub into the application, not a separate thing to support or use by a third party.

My questions:

  • If I do this, what service reading channels will use this protocol, preferring polling?
  • What do I need to implement on my end to get it running?

source to share

2 answers

Sounds great to integrate your CMS with your own hub. How many people will / should do it!

  • FriendFeed and liveoor Reader are currently the two main subscribers who consume PubSubHubbub. Other services (like also have support. Other services keep it running, including Google Reader.

  • You need to implement a hub. Definitely check out "Web Glue" , which is written in Ruby (maybe you could help it expand its codebase). You should be able to integrate it into your existing system.

Good luck! Let us know how it goes on the mailing list.



The web glue looks good! I found another Pubsubhubbub client that seems easy to use.



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