Alternative to OpenCF.FTP - stable

I am looking for a STABLE FTP library for Compact Framework. I would prefer a library where I don't need to fix or go through any code, but just use it as is.

While the free OpenCf.FTP is great, I think at the moment I'm creating more work for me than my actual coding, and I'm afraid I don't have time for that.

Do you have any faces that you guys have come across? Good bad?


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4 answers

Xceed also has a solid FTP library for .NET CF.



Our Rebex FTP / SSL has been supporting .NET CF since 2006 . It shares a codebase with Rebex FTP which has been maintained since 2004. It's probably pretty stable - Microsoft, for example, licensed this FTP / SSL component and uses it in Visual Studio 2010 for web deployment. Source code available.



Check out IP * Runs from \ n software . Firm and well supported.



What I find the most quirky about CF is that it lacks FTP functionality. I mean this is a MOBILE application platform for God. Perhaps someone from MS can tell me why the file transfer feature is missing in the mobile app infrastructure.

I'm sure someone will come along with a long and clever sounding explanation. Knock yourself out, it still doesn't make any sense.



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