Java - retrieving large amounts of data from DB using iBatis

I need to extract data from a DB2 table, do some processing on each row returned, and output to a flat file. I am using iBatis but found that with queryForList I started to go out of memory, I will be looking at 100k + rows of data.

I have considered using queryWithRowHandler , but the iBatis RowHandler interface does not throw an exception from its handleRow function , so if this gets an error, I cannot properly report it and stop iterating over the rest of the data. It looks like I can throw a RuntimeException, but that doesn't affect me as a neat way of doing things.

I would like to stop processing by throwing a meaningful exception indicating whether an error occurred while manipulating data, accessing a file, or whatever.

Does anyone have experience with this approach or have an alternative solution using iBatis. I know I could do this without iBatis, just using JDBC, but since iBatis is used for all other DB access in my application, I would like to take advantage of this architecture if possible.


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1 answer

1) Create your own RowHandler interface with checked Exceptions in signature:

public interface MySpecialRowHandler {
    public void handleRow(Object row) 
        throws DataException, FileException, WhateverException;


2) Inherit (or even better, delegate ) from SqlMapDaoTemplate to add a new method that will manage your own handler with the same Exceptions in signature:

public class MySpecialTemplate extends SqlMapDaoTemplate {
    public void queryWithRowHandler(String id, 
        final MySpecialRowHandler myRowHandler
    ) throws DataException, FileException, WhateverException {
        // "holder" will hold the exception thrown by your special rowHandler
        // both "holder" and "myRowHandler" need to be declared as "final"
        final Set<Exception> holder = new HashSet<Exception>();
        this.queryWithRowHandler(id,new RowHandler() {
            public void handleRow(Object row) {
                try {
                    // your own row handler is executed in IBatis row handler
                } catch (Exception e) {
        // if an exception was thrown, rethrow it.
        if (!holder.isEmpty()) {
            Exception e = holder.iterator().next();
            if (e instanceof DataException)     throw (DataException)e;
            if (e instanceof FileException)     throw (FileException)e;
            if (e instanceof WhateverException) throw (WhateverException)e;
            // You'll need this, in case none of the above works
            throw (RuntimeException)e;


3) Your business code will look like this:

// create your rowHandler
public class Db2RowHandler implements MySpecialRowHandler {
    void handleRow(Object row) throws DataException, FileException, WhateverException {
        // what you would have done in ibatis RowHandler, with your own exceptions
// use it.
MySpecialTemplate template = new MySpecialTemplate(daoManager);
try {
    template.queryWithRowHandler("selectAllDb2", new Db2RowHandler());
} catch (DataException e) {
    // ...
} catch (FileException e) {




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