Launching the program in different credits or HKCU and installers

I have an installer that needs a person to be an administrator (well, at least cut stuff in the c: \ program files \ app dir directory) I also need to create a bunch of entries in HKCU the thing is, if the installer is running as an administrator where HKCU will go, presumably the administrator.
But I want the HKCU of the logged in user, so I would like to run an application that will do a bunch of things, including registry entries.
If I run this application from the installer, it will run as administrator or logged in user. How to run application as logged in user from process started as admin

I am looking at the whole thing wrong. My real requirement is I want to deploy an application that makes entries in HKCU
my installer will generally need admin admins (including UAC scripts).
once rose, which HKCU will be targeted?
the administrator or user who has raised how can I make sure that the user hive is HKCU that records end up and not admin.


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1 answer

Easy. Just redo the app so easily ...

  • Writing entries to HKLM during installation
  • When you start the application for the first time, check the HKCU records, if they do not exist, then copy from HKLM to HKCU

If per-user configuration needs to be installed before your application even starts and updating the application as suggested above is not appropriate, look at ActiveSetup and schedule a reboot after installation.



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