SVN report in ASP.Net

We have our own project management tool built in ASP, net 3.5, and we use VisualSVN for our version control. However, we are looking for a way to communicate version changes using a project management tool, integrating VisualSVN with our project management tool, which is pretty much similar to what Trac [SCM-based Python-based tool] provides.

Basically looking for a simple VisualSVN Client API to be able to detect and report file changes based on the provided set of revisions.


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3 answers

There is also SharpSvn , which encapsulates the entire Subversion 1.5 api client. It is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license and with CollabNet.



Check out Svn.NET I think this is the best solution for .NET bindings to Subversion client system libraries.



If you are happy with some of the scenarios, you can use svnlook, which is a tool that provides repository change and change reports.

I use it in a post-commit hook to push all file changes to my bugtracker, so it can display which files have changed based on the version number. I add specific text to the log and it selects that to find out which error is data related.

EDIT, as requested, this perl script is called from the post-commit hook:

$url = `svnlook log -r $ARGV[1] $ARGV[0]`;

# check the string contains the matching regexp, 
# quit if it doesn't so we don't waste time contacting the webserver
# this is the g_source_control_regexp value in mantis.

exit 1 if not $url =~ /\b(?:bug|issue|mantis)\s*[#]{0,1}(\d+)\b/i;

$url = $url . "---\nSVN Revision: " . $ARGV[1];
$url = $url . "\n" . `svnlook dirs-changed -r $ARGV[1] $ARGV[0]`;

#urlencode the string
$url =~ s/([^\w\-\.\@])/$1 eq " "?"+":  sprintf("%%%2.2x",ord($1))/eg;

print "log=$url";

exit 0;


this is written to the postcommit_mantis.txt file, which is sent to Mantis via curl:

d:\tools\curl -s -d user=svn -d @c:\temp\postcommit_mantis.txt http://<server>/mantis/core/checkincurl.php




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